A Short History of the Constitution Party


 independent state parties united to form what is now the Constitution Party. Since then, the remainder of the 50 states have started state branches, some with the national party name and some with a different name, but all under the banner of the Constitution Party. Howard Phillips had been the leader of the Party from its inception. Phillips was also founder of the Conservative Caucus and of Policy Analysis Inc., a public policy research organization which published the twice monthly Issues and Strategy Bulletin. During the Nixon administration; Phillips headed two federal agencies then resigned as Director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity when President Nixon reneged on his commitment to veto further funding of Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs. Starting in 1974, Phillips mobilized opposition to the Panama Canal treaty, the SALT II arms control treaties, NAFTA, the World Trade Organization, and federal funding of left-wing activism. A graduate of Harvard University (1962) and twice-elected president of the Harvard Student Council, he was three times nominated as the Constitution Party candidate for the U.S. President.

The Constitution Party of Vermont was formed in December of 1999 and was for a number of years; officially established as a Minor Political Party under Vermont law. During that time; we held Caucuses around the State and actively promoted / supported candidates for various political offices. We are a body politic of principled thinkers who will enfold all who are desirous of a return to Constitutional principles.

“Be it resolved that the Constitution Party National Committee invites all citizens of all faiths, who love Liberty and Justice, to join with us in our pursuit of restoring our civil government to our country’s founding principles.”
  – Passed by the Constitution Party National Committee 9/7/99

copied from the original posting in 2002 & updated 2-25-23 https://web.archive.org/web/20100106205321/http://www.constitutionpartyvt.com/history.asp

Join us Today, as we Endeavor to Relaunch the Constitution Party of Vermont and make it a true success! Now is the time to belong to an organization committed to the principles for which you stand.