Welcome to our Candidates Page

  As we get Re-organized; we shall endeavor to run candidates for all levels of public office!

Below; is copied from the original website, & is shown for preserving an historical record.

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Who We Are :
Candidates for Office
John Bassette, State ChairmanJohn BassetteA founding member of the Constitution Party of Vermont, John Bassette attended Hartford High School, Middlebury College and UVM. He presently works in technology sales in the Upper Valley. Bassette oversaw the production of the first hard hitting mass mailing on the homosexual issue which contributed to the primary defeat of Peter Brownell and humiliating near defeat of Barbara Snelling, two prominent Republican icons. He is presently helping the campaigns of the two CP candidates in the state and recruiting new members and candidates for next year and beyond.

Melissa Robitille, Candidate for Vermont House of RepresentativesMelissa RobitilleMarried for seven years to Dana Robitille and the home schooling mother of three (plus one on the way). Melissa Robitille is a published novelist and a constitutional scholar. She brings a keen mind and sound principles to the Lamoille District 3 constituents.
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Charlie Russell, Candidate for United States Senate
Born in Cleveland Heights, Charlie Russell served in the Navy’s River Patrol Force in Vietnam. He received a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Vermont Technical College in 1966 and a B.S. in Resource Economics from UVM in 1976. In 1972 he married Sandra Nolan of Underhill with whom he has seven children. He started dairy farming in Randolph in1976 and became a dairy feed specialist in 1989. He is a former Director of the Randolph School District and a former Director of the St. Johnsbury Association of Farm Credit Banks. He worships at Green Mountain Gospel Chapel where he teaches Sunday school.